How to Create a Lazy Embed YouTube Video Player: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to build a lazy embed YouTube video player to improve page load times and enhance user experience.


Embedding YouTube videos on your website can enhance content engagement, but loading multiple videos on a page can impact performance. A lazy-loaded YouTube video player only loads the video when it comes into view, improving page load times and user experience. This guide will walk you through creating a lazy embed YouTube video player using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • A code editor (e.g., VSCode).
  • A basic understanding of how YouTube embedding works.


  • Lazy loading of YouTube videos
  • Customizable play button
  • Smooth transitions and hover effects
  • Responsive design


  1. Open your Project:

    then open following file:index.html

  2. Add Basic HTML Structure:

    In index.html and add the following code to set up the basic structure of your page:

    <div class="NexosYt" data-embed="YT_VIDEO_ID"></div>

    Replace "YT_VIDEO_ID" with your YouTube video ID

  3. Style Your Video Player

    Add Basic Styles:add provided code into <head/> to upper of this element.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  4. Implement Lazy Loading with JavaScript

    Add JavaScript for Lazy Loading:add provided code into upper of <body/> this element to implement the JavaScript to handle lazy loading

    <script src="" defer></script>

    This script listens for clicks on the video container and dynamically replaces the thumbnail with an embedded iframe that starts playing the video.

  5. Test Your Implementation

    Load the Page:Open index.html in your browser to check if the video player is displayed with the thumbnail and play button.

    Verify Lazy Loading:Click on the play button to ensure that the video player appears and starts playing the video. Verify that the iframe is only added when the video is clicked.

    Cross-Browser Testing:Test the implementation in different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.


Customize the player by modifying the CSS styles in yt-player.css and the JavaScript in yt-player.js .

Clone the Repository:

git clone
or download Latest Version 3.69KB

Customize CSS: Customize the player styles by modifying the yt-player.css file.

Customize JavaScript:

Adjust player functionality by editing the yt-player.js file. You can update controls, navigation, or error handling as needed.

Additional Resources

Source:YouTube Embed Documentation

Source:JavaScript Event Handling


You’ve successfully created a lazy embed YouTube video player that loads only when needed, enhancing the performance and user experience of your website. Feel free to customize the styles and functionality to better fit your needs.

Experiment with different designs and features to make your video player unique. Happy coding!

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