Nuxt.js Installation Guide for Node.js & Vue.js Developers

Learn how to install and configure Nuxt.js with this detailed guide. Covers prerequisites, npm & Yarn installation, server-side rendering (SSR), stati
Nuxt.js Installation Thumbnail

Nuxt.js is a powerful Vue.js framework that streamlines the development of server-rendered (universal) Vue applications. Follow these steps to install Nuxt.js:


  • Node.js and npm: Ensure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. You can download them from the official websites: Node.js.

  • To check if Node.js and npm are installed, open your terminal or command prompt and run following command:
    For Node.js: node -v
    For NPM: npm -v

    You should see version numbers for Node.js and npm.

  • Text Editor: We are Recommend you to use Visual Studio Code.

  • Also You can Download From thair Official Website Visual Studio Code.

  • Terminal: You can use any turminal to run Nuxt commands

  • or you can use Vue CLI and Node.js CLI.

  • Extension: You need to install Nuxtr and Volar or also add the TypeScript Vue Plugin

Nuxt.js Installation

You can create a new Nuxt.js project using terminal by running the following command:
npx nuxi@latest init my-nuxt-project

Replace "my-nuxt-project" with your project's name.

Nuxt.js can be installed using either npm or Yarn. Choose the package manager you prefer for your project.
Using npm:

If you want to use npm, run the following command to create a new Nuxt.js project:

npx nuxi@latest init my-nuxt-project

Replace "my-nuxt-project" with your project's name.

Using Yarn:

If you prefer Yarn, you can create a new Nuxt.js project using Yarn with the following command:

yarn create nuxt-app my-nuxt-project

Replace "my-nuxt-project" with your project's name.

Installation Modes

Nuxt.js offers various installation modes to cater to different project needs.
  1. Server Side Rendering (SSR): Ideal for SEO and improved performance, SSR enables server-side rendering for your Nuxt.js application.
  2. Single Page Application (SPA): SPA mode simplifies the setup for client-side rendering but may not be as SEO-friendly as SSR.
  3. Static Site Generation (SSG): SSG generates static HTML files during build time, making your site lightning fast and SEO-optimized.
Choose the installation mode that aligns with your project's goals and requirements.

Manual Setup (Advanced):

If you prefer manual setup, you can create a new directory, navigate into it, and run the following commands:
cd my-nuxt-project
npm install
After these steps, you can configure your project as needed, create pages, and set up Nuxt.js features.

Start the Development Server

Whether you used the Terminal or Vue CLI or manual setup, you can start the development server by running:
npm run dev

This will launch your Nuxt.js application, and you can access it in your browser at http://localhost:3000 by default.

Custom Configuration

Customize your Nuxt.js project by editing the nuxt.config.js file. This file allows you to configure various aspects of your application, including plugins, modules, and build settings.

Explore the Nuxt.js Documentation:

To learn more about Nuxt.js and its features, consult the official documentation at Nuxt.js Documentation.

Happy Coding!

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